Guru Knows the Nature of Aatma
You know that the work we are doing is for the unfoldment of strength. In Hindi we call it shakti . …We begin with a human being. A human being is all right, as other beings are, but other beings do not need any other information. It is only a human being who is conscious and aware enough that he knows that he is not perfect. This awareness is not found to be in any other sentient being. They have the sense that they exist and they have a sense that they should eat and drink and be happy or satisfied, and they are also afraid of some things that they don’t like, especially of their death or of being beaten. But a human being is par excellent. He has been given a nervous system through which, by himself, he becomes aware that he has to know so many things, so many forms, and so much. This means that he knows that he is imperfect. For that human being the journey of his life is towards making himself strong and perfect. How can he be perfect when he is made imperfect? His body is imper